
micro-TRI-gloss is a three-angle gloss meter enabling gloss changes to be seen under various angles. It responds to international glossmeter standards which specifies three measurement geometries to clearly obtain differences over the whole range from matte to high gloss. Each geometry is optimised for a specific gloss range.

By combining three geometries in one unit, the micro-TRI-gloss allows you to be in compliance with international standards and to quickly recognise quality variations. Features include:

  • 20°, 60° and 85° are all included so from high to low gloss, you have the specified angle on hand
  • For any material: paint, plastic or even mirror-like metals
  • All angles measure at the same location, and the results appear simultaneously
  • Intelligent gloss measurement with smart communication
  • Excellent repeatability and inter-instrument agreement guaranteed
  • Intelligent auto diagnosis guarantees accurate readings
  • Brilliant colour display: easy to read - easy to use
  • Statistics, Pass/Fail and Memory - ideal for QC and checks in the field
  • Continuous mode to check uniformity over large areas
  • Smart-chart software: instant QC reports with trend graph and Pass/Fail limits


Download Product Information Sheet

  1. Cat. No. Description Geometry Application Measuring Area
  • 4563 micro-TRI-gloss 20°, 60°, 85° universal see single angle
  • 4564 micro-TRI-gloss μ 20°, 60°, 85° universal see single angle
  • 4566 micro-TRI-gloss S 20°, 60°, 85° universal see single angle

Please contact Simon Moss on (+44) 1959 560818 or via email for further information or quotation



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