DISPERBYK-2152 is based on hyperbranched technology, and was specially developed for use in solvent-free epoxy systems and other reactive systems as well as for two-pack polyurethane and acid-catalysed systems. During grinding with pigments or fillers its polyester side chains are compressed, and the adhesion forces of the aminic groups toward the surface of the pigment or filler are increased. The pigment affinic group is then adsorbed onto the surface of the pigment or filler, while the polyester side chains still shield the aminic groups from the epoxy resin. This results in a strong reduction in viscosity and no reaction with the resin, allowing long-term storage stability. DISPERBYK-2152 features excellent pigment wetting and deflocculation. The additive is broadly compatible, with no negative effect on yellowing, adhesion of coatings to metals, or anti-corrosion properties. DISPERBYK-2152 meets the criteria of the German Committee for Health-related Evaluation of Building Products (AgBB). Especially recommended for protective, wood and furniture and industrial coatings. Also suitable for automotive coatings.


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